Make LinkedIn work for your business!

Effective Social Selling | The Ebook

Master the skill of effective social selling on LinkedIn to get in contact with prospects at zero costs, land huge deals and really make an impact with your business. Enroll to download the ebook immediately.
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What's included?

  • Ebook with detailed description of our proven approach 
  • Easy to follow steps and messaging templates
  • Get access to and tips from experienced instructors 
  • Access to our academy and customer support

For who is this?

This is for anybody who wants to raise awareness and reach out to target audiences in order to attract new business or forge new partnerships, but doesn't know where to start with social selling on LinkedIn.  

After reading this you'll be able to...

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Hyper target your ideal prospects

Use the search functionality on LinkedIn correctly to hyper target your ideal prospects. 

Build profitable relationships

Invest in your prospects because they only do business with whom they know, like and trust. 

Craft perfect connection requests

With high acceptance rates to boost your b2b community as fast as possible with your ideal prospects.

Get prospects in video calls

Once you have built rapport it's time to nudge your prospects correctly into a video call where you can pitch.

Start authentic conversations

People hate to be sold, that's why  you have to know how to start conversations correctly.

Master effective social selling

After reading this ebook you'll know everything you need to know to become a master in social selling.
DISCLAIMER: This training in ebook form is not an official product by or is anyhow associated with LinkedIn. They would probably not want you to know this approach because that would mean i.e. less advertising, Sales Navigator or Recruiter income for them. All LinkedIn logos and trademarks used and displayed are the property of LinkedIn. Also we cannot guarantee that you will get potential deals, it depends on other factors which are completely in your own hands. We have seen this work, so implement, gather feedback and improve based on that. Winners never quit, quitters never win ;)
Meet the instructor

Jeremy Croes, MSc

Jeremy is as sustainability professional, circular economy specialist, business developer, full funnel growth strategist and marketer with over 20 years of experience. He founded SPINUP because this allows him to independently combine all his passions and skills into one.

He fulfilled the role of Head of Growth at four innovative startups and he enjoys teaching people how to design LinkedIn driven funnels, kickstart and optimize them.
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